Collecting old personal finance books
Last week I mentioned the book The Richest Man in Babylon. Specifically, the stories in it painted a picture of a future life, one that benefited from good financial.
Learning about hledger
Last week I mentioned the book The Richest Man in Babylon. Specifically, the stories in it painted a picture of a future life, one that benefited from good financial.
Last week I wrote about the idea that every financial decision is an emotional one. If that’s true, then a good question is how do you use emotions to.
A book on personal finance that I read several years ago had a sentence similar to the following one: “All financial decisions are emotional.” My first reaction was that.
While I like the idea of a clutter-free life, it’s constant work for me to make even minor victories in the war on clutter. One way that helps for.
As I have mentioned in the past, I regularly use hledger “iadd” to add new transactions. One alternative, hledger “add” works well enough, but “iadd” sometimes works slightly better..