Wrestling with reconciliations
I had a case where a bank recently listed the same half dozen charges as both pending and actual. This was after the transactions had appeared a couple days.
Learning about hledger
I had a case where a bank recently listed the same half dozen charges as both pending and actual. This was after the transactions had appeared a couple days.
Sometimes small steps get you to your destination faster than big steps. This doesn’t seem as if it could be true. After all, you cover more ground with a.
It was time to get the latest version of hledger. In fact it was past time. At least past time in the sense that I like to get the.
As I have been entering my hledger transactions recently, I have been making more use of the comment feature. For those who are new to comments, this is a.
The book Double Entry: How the Merchants of Venice Created Modern Finance is one that I am currently enjoying. It’s turning out to be both interesting and accessible, at.
Research has shown that, in regards to happiness, experiences are more valuable than material items. So, how could you use hledger, or similar software, to track your spending on.
As the calendar year 2024 recently ended, now is a good chance to review some things that happened over the last 12 months. First, a success, in that I.
I recently benefited from listening to a podcast where Meir Statman, author of A Wealth of Well-Being: A Holistic Approach to Behavioral Finance was interviewed about his book. From.
Here are some holiday gift ideas for people who use hledger. Which means, of course, that these can be gifts that you give yourself! My criteria to be included.
Don’t let the small victories get in the way of your larger ones. It’s motivating to have small financial victories. The motivation that you gain can lead you to.