Simple but important
Two weeks ago, I wrote about something that was so very difficult to do. Specifically, it was to know the actual price of something if it was purchased under.
Learning about hledger
Two weeks ago, I wrote about something that was so very difficult to do. Specifically, it was to know the actual price of something if it was purchased under.
One of the advantages of my recent upgrade to hledger version 1.34 is that I now have access to the tldr pages. I had delayed upgrading as I was.
A great advantage of using plaintext accounting is to track expenses. Why track expenses? One reason is so that you can get the maximum return for the money you.
Some months ago after playing a boardgame, I wondered if I could have used hledger to track the points in the game. I don’t mean that using hledger would.
As I work on the command line, I like to find shortcuts for typing. Why type something longer when something shorter will work equally well? One of my favorites.
I found another helpful way that “iadd” works. Here is how it works: if you add a transaction with a first-time payee, “iadd” defaults to the accounts of the.
Now that I have both “iadd” and “add” working to enter my transactions interactively (see last week’s post for details), I can comment on some differences between between the.
Last week I posted my non-success in terms of installing iadd (aka hledger-iadd) on my M1 Mac. After mentioning this on Element, I quickly received the answer that worked.
The plan for this week was to get hledger-iadd to work. What is hledger-iadd? Also called iadd, it’s an alternative to the hledger add command to interactively enter transactions.
Last week I closed out 2023, creating a separate file for my 2024 transactions. In spite of having 4 months of data in my new file, there was one.