A User's view of Hledger

Learning about hledger

Sticking to the important

All kinds of things around us are calling for our attention. But just because something calls for our attention doesn’t necessarily mean that it is important.

What does this have to do with hledger or any other kind of plain text accounting for that matter? For me, recording and tracking finances is important. However, my PTA data doesn’t scream to make me notice it. So, how do I make sure that I keep on track with tracking my finances?

For me, part of the answer is that I have periodic to do items in Org Mode (part of Emacs) that remind me to update and reconcile my accounts. I suppose that you could say that if something appears on my to do list, just that fact calls my attention to it. In any case, the result is that I accomplish something important that wasn’t otherwise going to call attention to itself.