It was time to get the latest version of hledger. In fact it was past time. At least past time in the sense that I like to get the latest update as soon as it is available. In short, version 1.41 had been waiting patiently for me, and it was now time to put off procrastinating.
I use brew to update hledger on my Mac. This means that several other programs get updated at the same time. One of these was Ledger, which, while I don’t use that often, I like to have available as a command line option.
The updates were done in Warp, which I haven’t mentioned in a while, but continues to work well. One of the nice features of Warp is that it’s very easy to get the output of a command after you run it. In the case of my brew update, I was able, several commands later — and interrupted by an unscheduled computer restart — to go to Warp, right click on the output of my brew command, and select the option to copy the output to the clipboard. Then I pasted it into an empty Emacs buffer for easy searching and reading. For example, the brew upgrade command generated 721 lines of output, too much for successful reading on the screen as the output lines flash by. Also, for text that long, the option to use the search function of Emacs or similar program finds the needle in the proverbial haystack with alacrity.