A User's view of Hledger

Learning about hledger

Why I am writing about my hledger upgrade

This week I upgraded to hledger version 1.42. Everything went well, so why do I mention the upgrade? What’s there to say?

The reason is that in this blog I want to focus on what’s important, not simply what is most attention grabbing. Yes, if there had been some snag it the upgrade process, I would have written about that. However, to write principally, or only, about the problems instead of the successes is to skew the reporting.

So what was important about the upgrade? Two things. First, hledger is being maintained and updated. The latest version is evidence of that. If you depend on software, software needs to keep up with the times. It’s the rare computer program that never needs to be improved as time goes by.

Second, the brew program, which did the upgrading, did its work with aplomb. It’s one thing for a new version of a program to exist. However, if you can’t install the new program, it’s as if the new version never existed. On the other hand, if it’s relatively trivial to update your computer with the new version, this makes life easier. And things that make life better are important.

As human beings, we tend to like exciting things, and I am no exception. Just the same, it’s the important things, which sometimes lack excitement, that can make big differences. I am sure that I won’t succeed totally with focusing on the important, even when it’s not attention grabbing, but that’s my aim.