Creating phony hledger transactions
Sometimes it’s useful to have fake hledger data. For example, if I am creating an instructional video for hledger, I want to show pretend data rather than my real.
Learning about hledger
Sometimes it’s useful to have fake hledger data. For example, if I am creating an instructional video for hledger, I want to show pretend data rather than my real.
As mentioned in earlier posts, I don’t close out one year until I am well into the next year. This is because a) I don’t need to close out.
As mentioned last week, Emacs is my tool of choice when I work with my hledger data files. Emacs has something called ledger-mode, which vastly improves working with ledger.
Since I use Emacs with my hledger data file, making improvements to how I use Emacs can return dividends for my hledger work. I recently made 5 additions that.