A User's view of Hledger

Learning about hledger

A short wait for iadd

Last week I posted my non-success in terms of installing iadd (aka hledger-iadd) on my M1 Mac. After mentioning this on Element, I quickly received the answer that worked for me. Specifically, https://hledger.org/install.html#build-with-hledger-install has a bash script that installs hledger plus a number of tools, including iadd.

Once the above script finished running, iadd was successfully installed. Problem solved.

If, like me, you are an hledger fan and don’t know about the hledger room on Element, I suggest that you check it out. You can find out additional information about Element at https://element.io/user-guide.

Speaking of the hledger room in Element, I thank those who responded to my request to confirm that iadd can indeed be installed on a Mac with Apple silicon. And my thanks for the instructions that worked in my case for installing iadd!