Playing games with hledger?
Some months ago after playing a boardgame, I wondered if I could have used hledger to track the points in the game. I don’t mean that using hledger would.
Learning about hledger
Some months ago after playing a boardgame, I wondered if I could have used hledger to track the points in the game. I don’t mean that using hledger would.
The plan for this week was to get hledger-iadd to work. What is hledger-iadd? Also called iadd, it’s an alternative to the hledger add command to interactively enter transactions.
As I have written previously, I don’t need to close out my yearly hledger file immediately after a calendar year ends. In fact, there are advantages to waiting a.
Sometimes, one of the rewards for using hledger is non-financial. For example, just the other day we needed an electrician. One of the circuits — in fact, the one.
Last week’s posting had resources for learning the basic parts of an hledger transaction. The motivation was that if you use hledger, it helps to have a good grasp.
To follow up on the August 3 Thoughtful Thursday post immediately below, it’s worth looking at the last step in the diagram. Specifically, you want to improve your life.
One worthwhile reason to use hledger is to improve your life and the lives of those around you. How does that work? I created the diagram below, inspired by.
When I use hledger, I am almost always on the command line. So, I find it useful to know ways to be more efficient on the command line. For.
I have a vision of helping people find out how useful hledger is. Therefore, I am in the process of making a number of changes to this website. As.