Wrestling with reconciliations
I had a case where a bank recently listed the same half dozen charges as both pending and actual. This was after the transactions had appeared a couple days.
Learning about hledger
I had a case where a bank recently listed the same half dozen charges as both pending and actual. This was after the transactions had appeared a couple days.
As I have been entering my hledger transactions recently, I have been making more use of the comment feature. For those who are new to comments, this is a.
Research has shown that, in regards to happiness, experiences are more valuable than material items. So, how could you use hledger, or similar software, to track your spending on.
We had been traveling, so I had several transactions with new payees. Most of them were self explanatory. For example, if you eat at “Lake Shnonka Fish Fry” and.
I generally enter my hledger data using a tool such as add or iadd. Yes, it would almost certainly be faster to import CSV files, but for the most.
The reason to use hledger or similar program is that it should give you some benefit. For me there are both large and small benefits to using hledger, and.
As I have mentioned in the past, I regularly use hledger “iadd” to add new transactions. One alternative, hledger “add” works well enough, but “iadd” sometimes works slightly better..
Five years ago, I started creating instructional videos for hledger. A total of 18 have been made to date. So which are the most popular? In first place, with.
Here’s one trick that I learned to speed up my data entry. The problem occurred when I had regular payments to the same payee, but they differed in some.
This week, my plain text accounting data brought back some fun memories. It all started when, a couple of days ago, we visited a chain restaurant and wondered when.