What is the difference between “iadd” and “add”?
Now that I have both “iadd” and “add” working to enter my transactions interactively (see last week’s post for details), I can comment on some differences between between the.
Learning about hledger
Now that I have both “iadd” and “add” working to enter my transactions interactively (see last week’s post for details), I can comment on some differences between between the.
Last week I posted my non-success in terms of installing iadd (aka hledger-iadd) on my M1 Mac. After mentioning this on Element, I quickly received the answer that worked.
The plan for this week was to get hledger-iadd to work. What is hledger-iadd? Also called iadd, it’s an alternative to the hledger add command to interactively enter transactions.
Last week I closed out 2023, creating a separate file for my 2024 transactions. In spite of having 4 months of data in my new file, there was one.
As I have written previously, I don’t need to close out my yearly hledger file immediately after a calendar year ends. In fact, there are advantages to waiting a.
Sometimes, one of the rewards for using hledger is non-financial. For example, just the other day we needed an electrician. One of the circuits — in fact, the one.
Some years ago, someone asked a question similar to the following. If you have a transaction such as: It is obvious how you reconcile the credit card portion of.
So far, the hledger fan YouTube channel has done well. There are a total of 18 videos helping beginners to improve their hledger knowledge and skills. The most popular.
The way hledger handles dates is impressive. In particular, I think of smart dates, which I was reminded of a couple of weeks ago when I mistyped a date..
As far as anyone knows, the Beatles were not into plain text accounting. But had they been, would they have written a song like the following? YesterdayAll my credit.