Don’t make this planning mistake with hledger
It’s easy to make plans for great results, but it can often be the case that lofty plans don’t lead to success. I am indebted to Protesilaos Stavrou for.
Learning about hledger
It’s easy to make plans for great results, but it can often be the case that lofty plans don’t lead to success. I am indebted to Protesilaos Stavrou for.
Here’s something for this Thoughtful Thursday posting: I recently ran across a story of someone who applied the idea of needs and strategies to their spending. If you are.
This post is inspired by a recent RANE podcast: The Best Approaches to Creating a Positive Impact With Dr. Bjorn Lomborg. One of the central ideas discussed there is.
My hledger data files are organized one file per year. For example, for the calendar year 2023 I have a file named 2023.hledger. This normally works just fine. However,.
As per last week’s plan, further down in this posting is the current version of my R code to generate random hledger transactions. The program uses the function create_random_transactions.
Last week I shared how I wanted to write a program that would generate hledger transactions that I could use in instructional videos, for example. I now have a.
Sometimes it’s useful to have fake hledger data. For example, if I am creating an instructional video for hledger, I want to show pretend data rather than my real.
As mentioned in earlier posts, I don’t close out one year until I am well into the next year. This is because a) I don’t need to close out.
As mentioned last week, Emacs is my tool of choice when I work with my hledger data files. Emacs has something called ledger-mode, which vastly improves working with ledger.
Since I use Emacs with my hledger data file, making improvements to how I use Emacs can return dividends for my hledger work. I recently made 5 additions that.