Creating phony hledger transactions
Sometimes it’s useful to have fake hledger data. For example, if I am creating an instructional video for hledger, I want to show pretend data rather than my real.
Learning about hledger
Sometimes it’s useful to have fake hledger data. For example, if I am creating an instructional video for hledger, I want to show pretend data rather than my real.
As mentioned in earlier posts, I don’t close out one year until I am well into the next year. This is because a) I don’t need to close out.
As mentioned last week, Emacs is my tool of choice when I work with my hledger data files. Emacs has something called ledger-mode, which vastly improves working with ledger.
Since I use Emacs with my hledger data file, making improvements to how I use Emacs can return dividends for my hledger work. I recently made 5 additions that.
When I reconcile accounts, one important first step is to add new transactions. In my case, I add just the posted transactions on an account. That is, I ignore.
One option, in an hledger transaction, is to have a payee, or a payee and a note. For example, the line below includes a payee: and the following includes.
hledger priorities For many people, this is a busy time of the year. Whenever my schedule becomes crowded, I try to remember the advice to be satisfied if you.
hledger 1.32 now available The latest version of hledger, 1.32, was recently announced. If you want to keep current, and you are running an older version, it’s time to.
One thing that I have noticed over the years of working with hledger, is that my reconciling errors have diminished over time. What I mean by a reconciling error.
It’s Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. today. Whether or not this is a holiday for you, here are three ways that you can use hledger for giving thanks. First,.